Remember who the F you are,
and live accordingly.

Redefine success and ignite your spark in motherhood with a community of other women.

Matrescence 101 Guide
The first step in going from "old you" to "new you" in motherhood is knowing where you are.

Free The Mother Podcast
Moving From Holy Shit! to Holy Shift! in Motherhood + Beyond. Where Type A control freaks learn to redefine success in motherhood.

You get to set the limits on how far you’re willing to go with other people’s expectations of you as the mother.
You get to honor who you are right now as you do it. And, finally, unleash your strength in motherhood!!!
Free The Mother is a call to action. Free The Mother is your call to triumph, on your own terms, as a mom. It’s a roar. It puts the power back into your hands. Right where it belongs.

Hi, I’m Kendra
Matrescence activisT
mentor & coach
I'm here to help you find
your power as a mom.

Let me help you
redefine what it means
to be a good mom:

Redefine success and ignite your spark in motherhood with a community of other women.

Matrescence 101 Guide
The first step in going from "old you" to "new you" in motherhood is knowing where you are.

Free The Mother Podcast
Moving From Holy Shit! to Holy Shift! in Motherhood + Beyond. Where Type A control freaks learn to redefine success in motherhood.
Follow me on Insta! @its.kendrawilliams

What moms are saying
I know and accept myself like never before. Perfectionism doesn’t run my life. I’m more centered. I healed decades-old trauma, restored physical and emotional intimacy in my marriage, and learned to integrate and love all aspects of myself.
I was really surprised how fast and deep the coaching changed my life and outlook.
I’m now able to name and connect with parts of myself I had been neglecting for decades. I’m better able to show up for myself.
Matrescence 101
The first step towards finding yourself in motherhood is knowing where you are. Enter your info to discover what happens between the "old you" and "new you" in motherhood.